You have just finished your first course and are on your way to a better and stronger financial future! Give yourself a pat on the back. Make sure you print off your certificate of completion if you haven’t done so already.
The main goal of this course is to provide you with a solid foundation and basic understanding of financial markets and investing. Some major takeaways from this course are:
If there were any areas that you struggled understanding, we recommend going back and going through the material again. If you did not go through the extra resources and definitions provided the first time, please do so to really help cement the information.
If you are still lost, you can book a one-on-one coaching session to ask us any of your questions! Remember, ELITE members receive 40% off ALL services!
Now that you have a foundation of what the stock market is, we are going to build upon that with slightly more advanced basics in the next course, Stock Markets 201.
Once again, congratulations on finishing this class, and thank you for using Haas Trade! Our goal is to create a generation of financially intelligent and free people, at an affordable cost that everyone can take advantage of.
If you think this information would be beneficial to anyone you know, family or friends, please share it with them. The more people we reach, the better. And don’t forget to do the same to any content creators that were used during this course.
Please take the Stock Markets 101 Feedback Survey at the end of this course to provide us with any comments, concerns, or feedback, you have regarding the course. We are always trying to improve our courses to better serve our members.
Thank you again. We hope you have a great day. God bless!